This page will explain the core concepts of how our alarms work. Without this knowledge, alarms may appear confusing. For help on how to use the interface to set up alarms for specific cameras, refer to the following articles:
// TODO: configure new alarms for your partner account
//TODO: configure alarms for a specific camera
Required user permissions
Alarms are a partner-level feature. This means that every partner is free to create their own set of alarms that is tailored to their specific needs and use cases. In order to manage alarms for a partner, you require admin or superuser level, and need to be authorised for all cameras of the partner (general camera permission). If you do not fulfill these requirements, this is probably the wrong page for you. If you are a power user, you may be interested in how to // TODO: activate and configure alarms for a specific camera, if you are of lower level, any kind of alarm configuration is outside your domain.
In the following I will not be talking about the specific configuration options in detail. For that, please refer to this page: // TODO: configure new alarms for your partner account
What is important here is to make sure you understand the concepts.
In order to keep alarms as effective as possible while annoying you as little as possible, the various parameters in this section allow you some precise control about when and when not to execute an alarms actions, and how often. The exact function of these parameters are described here: // TODO: Alarm Configuration
Default Camera Peripherals
For reading up on how to exactly configure the pattern, please go here: // TODO: Alarm Configuration
Camera Alarm Configuration