In order to keep alarms as effective as possible while annoying you as little as possible, the various parameters in this section allow you some precise control about when and when not to execute an alarms actions, and how often. The exact function of these parameters are described here: Alarm Configuration
Default Camera Peripherals
For reading up on how to exactly configure the pattern, please go here: Alarm Configuration
Camera Alarm Configuration
There has been much talk about the distinction between an alarm and a camera alarm, but not much about how that works exactly and what possibilities it opens. For a less conceptual explanation of the interface, please see here.
The basics should be fairly clear by now: When you add a specific alarm to a specific camera, a camera alarm is created that is actually evaluated, has an alarm state and can execute actions. There are two ways to add an alarm to a camera: Either through applying an alarms default camera peripherals (see above), or by manually adding the alarm to a camera on the camera configuration page (*not* the alarm configuration page!).