This article provides in detail explanations of detailed instructions for configuring a Panorama Feed functionality.
Creating the feed
List A list of all your feeds that user can manage can be seen after when selecting ‘Image feeds’ option in portal the side menu.
In the upper right corner, the ‘Create feed’ button will appear. Selecting Clicking it, form can be filled inyou get to the standard options for feed configuration.
Name, title, token alias and camera can here be set , but type of feed needs to be ‘Panorama’here as for any other feed. Change the type to ‘Panorama’ (you must select a camera first before being able to choose the feed type), and you will be presented with further options that apply specifically to panorama feeds.
After saving, the feed will appear in the feeds list.
Editing the feed
In order to edit the feed later, right click on the panorama feed and select ‘Edit’.
New form will be open which allows feed editing as well as hotspots and logos creation.
Panorama feed specific options
Panorama feeds have expanded options which let you define hotspots and logos.
Panofeeds can optionally display a compass tape on top of the screen, and/or a compass rose either in the upper-right corner, or in the lower-right corner if the upper-right corner is taken up by a logo.
Defining North
The compass will need to know where in your image north is. This is defined the same way as the position of hotspots are defined, with a fractional number defining how many percent of the total image width the point is distant from the left edge of the image. For example, 0 (0%) means north is the left edge of your image, 1 (100%) means north is the right edge, 0.5 (50%) means it’s right in the middle, and so on.
Non-360 degree panoramas
If your panorama is not a full 360 degree panorama, there is the possibility that north is not in the image. In this case, you may enter a value larger than 1 to push the position outside the image (for example, 1.5 (150%) would mean that north is half the width of the image beyond its right edge).
In this case, the compass will also need to know how large the field of view of your panorama actually is. You must enter this in the “compass angle” field in order for the compass to display correctly on such feeds.
Error page
You may enter an optional url into the error page field. If the feed is unavailable for some reason, or has no images to show, it will be redirected to this url.
If you check the “Show error page right now” box, any further requests to the feed will be redirected to the url you entered in the “error page url” field until the box is unchecked again, even if there would not be no actual error. This is handy to enforce an intentional downtime of the feed, for example for maintenance purposes.
Clicking the ‘Add’ button in Hotspots section will create a form for hotspot configuration.
x and y position of panorama image, in image-relative coordinates (0/0 is upper-left corner, 1/1 is lower right)
label that will be shown displayed as the title of this hotspot
link to which you will be redirected upon clicking the hotspot
text which An expanded description that will appear on holding the mouse pointer over the hotspot
icon of 24 types to choose from
color with 16 options
stalk length from no height to 5 different lengths
label alignment of left and right direction
when hovering over the hotspot. This may contain an image. To embedd an image in the text box, use the syntax <img my-image-url.ext>. This is not an html tag.Generic html tags are not being rendered. It is a special bit of syntax that will load the image from the url and display it above the text. The width of the image is limited to the width of the text box, and it cannot be resized.
icon Choose one from a variety of icons that you feel matches the purpose of your hotspot best.
color Select a color in which the hotspot and its stalk will be displayed.
stalk length The stalk will always point to the configured x/y coordinates, while its length determines how far above the icon will be displayed.
label alignment Whether the label should be displayed to the left or the right of the icon.
Also, hotspots can be deleted by clicking the round red delete button.
Clicking the ‘Add’ button in the Logos section will create a form for logo configurationto configure a logo for your feed. You may configure multiple logos for the same feed.
The parameters bellow can be configuredfollowing parameters are configurable:
URL of the logo to be displayedType of logo that can be: A fully qualified URL to the image you want to use as logo.
Type: There’s three possible types of logos that determine where or when they’ll be shown:
top left corner - Multiple logos can be configured, and will be displayed in order.
top right corner - Multiple logos can be configured, and will be displayed in order.
loading screen - Only one logo may be configured for the loading screen. It will be shown while the feed loads and the screen is otherwise black.
Link to which you will be redirected upon clicking the logo
: Here you may configure a link a viewer will be taken to when they click on the logo. Leave this blank if you do not want the logo to be interactable.
Logos can be deleted again by clicking the red delete button.
Viewing your panorama feed
Once everything is set, the Panorama feed can be accessed by right click -clicking in the feeds list and selecting ‘View Feed’.
Alternatively, the feed can be accessed from browsing the camera images and selecting the feed in publication section in the lower right corner. Or by entering the address directly into the internet browser’s address bar:{token} in which token is generated upon feed creation.
User Interface
On start of the panofeed, the latest image starts to pan slowly to the right. the identity token of your feed that was generated at its creation.
Embedding the feed
For information on how to integrate a feed, please refer to our documentation on that.
URL parameters
You can further customise the initial appearance of your feed by url parameters. URL parameters can be appended to the url with a preceding ‘?' and separated by a '&’ character (see example below).
There are two parameters available:
hot=false: If set to false, the feed will not display hotspots unless the user activates them in the feed. Default is true.
ui=false: If set to false, the feed will not display the UI unless the user activates it in the feed. Default is true.
time=false: When set, the image timestamp in the lower left corner of the screen will not be displayed.
logos=false: When set, logos will not be displayed. This is often used when embedding the feed in the providers own website.
As a short example, if you want your feed to display without hotspots or user interface unless the user chooses to display them, modify the link in the src attribute of the Iframe:
Panofeed User Interface
Logos are displayed in upper left or right corner.
Hotspots are displayed in appropriate locations, colors, stalk sizes, and
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can be checked here
Feed navigation bar includes:
zoom in
zoom out
show / hide hotspots
show / hide timeline (see below)
enter / exit full screen mode
Show / hide user interface
Selecting When clicking on the timeline, new options are shown.:
Date and time of a preview image
Preview of an image
Slider picker for the last 30 days
Time picker for images
It contains an icon which returns to the latest preview image
Clicking on the image preview will go to the selected image and hide the timeline menu.
The clock can be rewound up to 30 days into the past, or 60 circles, since one turn equals to 12 hours.
Previews will change accordingly and to the nearest time available.
Embedding the feed
In feeds menu, right click on the panorama feed and select the ‘Embed’ option.
This will open up a pop up window with the code needed to be inserted into desired website.
Here arguments can be added ?ui=true/false for user interface visibility
and &hot=true/false for hotspots visibility, so source can be for example:src=""
for no ui and hotspot visibility.width="800"
Size can be set with desired width and height of iframeallowfullscreen=”true”
Allows full screen to be enabled or disabled></iframe>
‘Link to Image’ option will open the latest image in new tab.
‘Delete’ option will delete the feed.
Mobile layout of the components may be slightly different, but the functionality remains the same.