Partner account management

Partner account management

A partner account allows you to completely manage your own cameras and user base. They also offer a few additional settings, which are available on the partner management page. You have access to this page only if you are an admin-level user! In that case, you can easily access it through the side menu:



Branding configuration

Cameras have the option of displaying a provider logo in feeds. This can be toggled on or off on a per-camera basis on a cameras configuration page. On the partner management page, you can set what logo is displayed for that, and a URL that a click on that logo will direct a viewer to:



Feed logos come in three different sizes, which are chosen by the feed dynamically based on the viewport size they are displayed in. You should upload a logo for each of these.

The feed will not actually constrain your logo to a certain size, but will render it in the original resolution of the image you provide. This gives you some flexibility, but it also means that it is easy to use a logo that’s too large and will cover too much of the actual feed you want to display on certain screen sizes. In general, we recommend the following sizes for feed logos:

  • small: 10 pixel in height

  • medium: 11 pixel in height

  • large: 14 pixel in height

We also recommend using png images with transparent background for this purpose.

Do note that a pixel-by-pixel difference can actually matter a lot for the readability of a logo at these small sizes. We therefore recommend you to create a version of the logo at these sizes directly from your original vectorized logo, not to just rescale a bitmap!

Besides the logos displayed in a feed, you can also upload a logo to display in the footer of the portal for users created in your partner account.

The logo link, finally, is a URL that people will be directed to when they click any of these logos, whether in a feed or in the portal itself. In general, this will be your company website.

Important: While uploaded logos will be displayed immediately on this page, the portal will require a page refresh to update its logo and URL!

Default tags configuration

Cameras have always had the ability to receive various tags containing information that you might need to remember about them. The default tags are a way to impose a basic structure for these tags.

A newly created camera will always receive all of your default tags, with an empty value. This makes it easier to fill in standardized information that you would like to track for every camera:



This is just an example. You might require completely different tags for your common use-cases. The idea here is that you can create a unified set of tags tailored to your needs that will be applied to all your new cameras.

You can add new default tags by naming a key and clicking on “Add” in the bottom, or you can remove existing default tags by clicking on the “-” button next to a tag you want removed. Changes will not take effect until you click “Save”.

Default tags have two properties: A key, which must be unique (usually the type of information that should be filled in), and whether it’s mandatory or not. Mandatory does not mean that the tag can never be removed. Once a camera is created, any of its individual tags can still be removed, and any new tags can still be added. Mandatory simply means that the tag cannot be removed during camera creation. If you have tags that you only want on most of your cameras, but you have some cameras where they will be out of place, make them non-mandatory by unticking the checkbox.

When creating a new camera, this is what the user creating it will see:


They can immediately fill in values of tags that should be filled in at creation without having to create the tag first, or they can leave them blank for later. They can also easily remove any tags that you marked as non-mandatory if they decide they are not relevant to the new camera.


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