4. Camera Settings


These instructions describe the most important settings on the basis of the factory settings.

  • Put in the battery adapter and connect the camera via power supply.
  • Put in an SD card and format it. Recommended: 8 or 16 GB or bigger
  • Set time and time zone of the camera.
  • Turn off autofocus assist lamp via configuration.
  • Change the exposure measurement of the camera to A.
  • Set the focus mode for the lens to autofocus. In this way the camera can be focused by remote control.
  • Put the cover on the viewfinder.
  • Close the display.
  • Connect the USB cable from the camera to the camera controller.
  • Connect the USB voltage supply from Raspberry Pi with power supply.
  • Connect camera controller with Ethernet cable with power supply.
  • Put the camera into the housing and screw it on.

Picture: Put in the battery adapter

Picture: Set camera exposure measurement to A for aperture priority mode.

Picture: Set object focus mode to autofocus

Picture: Put cover on the viewfinder and close the display

Picture: wired camera

Picture: Camera mounted in the housing