Bmetry upload switch release and migration

Bmetry upload switch release and migration

Action required!

We are happy to announce that we are finally ready to divorce bmetry uploads from the regular way we treat images and give them their own upload channel. This opens the door for efficient automation that can avoid unnecessary uploads and even provide previews of your images if you want some.

The release will take place on Monday, the 30th of September

You will need to update your bmetry endpoint configuration until then. The old endpoints configured in the camera tables will stop working once the update goes live! Read Prerequisites below for details.

What will change?

Images from bmetry sequences will no longer be visible in the portal and will no longer pass through table processing. Instead they will have a direct route through our gateway to wherever you would like to have them, while leaving an archive copy on our servers for 30 days.

This means one very important thing:

Forwarding endpoints configured in table configuration will no longer have any effect on images from a bmetry sequence!

Instead, you need to configure the endpoint directly in the bmetry settings of the master camera's configuration page. The good news is that you need to do this only once per solution, no longer for every remote individually, and that you can use the same endpoint that you used previously. The configuration works very much the same, and we’re still supporting delivery through FTP or to an AWS S3 bucket.

The other piece of good news is that you can already go and configure your endpoints. They won’t have any effect until we update our services, so we strongly recommend to prepare beforehand!

Preparation work / Prerequisites:

The bad news is that if you do not reconfigure your endpoints until we release the update, you won’t be receiving images from bmetry-sequences anymore until you do. The endpoints configured for tables will stop working for bmetry images.

What will continue to work is that cameras will automatically upload images in a sequence once the sequence is finished, as they did so far. However, with the update a checkbox will become available in your bmetry master settings to disable that, which will switch the solution to purely pull-based behaviour where you can decide exactly which images you wish to receive and which ones you don’t.

For more information on endpoint configuration, deactivating the automatic upload, and using the API, please refer to these pages:



Note that these are written for the update, so until the update releases there may be slight discrepancies between documentation and reality. They are still mostly accurate and should tell you everything you need to know, though.

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